*Written by Lauren Fisher in December 2020*
Hi! I'm so glad you're here.
Now... I don't know about you, but I’m beyond ready to send 2020 packing and get 2021 started off on the right foot (or hoof).
We all know 2020 has been the biggest cluster... and the end of the year is when most of us fall off the wagon (or maybe that’s just me?). Not only are we coming off of the insane holiday season, but I’ve been out of the tack due to a brutal tailbone injury, a wedding, and a Covid scare- aka a cruel trifecta that has brought my own personal horses’ training to a screeching halt.
I’m looking at my winter calendar, writing down my personal and training goals, and it dawned on me: it’s pretty rare that I’m starting from ground zero- why not share the process?
You could have suffered from my cruel trifecta of bad luck (although I really hope you didn’t!) or maybe your horse has had some vet maintenance and required a little downtime, work got super busy, your kiddos are swinging from the rafters, or maybe you lost motivation because it’s already dark outside whenever 5:00 rolls around. OR maybe you’re one of those diligent people who hasn’t stopped riding; but want a little push to get over a training hump, want a change of routine, want to learn something new, or want confirmation that you’re already on the right path!
Whatever the reason, this is a magical time of the year: a time where we raise our expectations, make resolutions for the next 365, and trudge through the rest of winter hopeful that the days are finally getting longer and the weather warmer.
As you progress through this course you will receive tricks on how to maximize your efficiency in the saddle, build your horse’s fitness levels, pack on topline, master some new exercises, and more... with plenty of time to read, digest, practice, and return for the next section, because they aren’t going anywhere!
I’m so excited to share this course with you- almost as excited as I am to boot 2020 out the door!